Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Vol.7 (The 8th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2009)

Academic Paper
Analysing Motorcycle Injuries on Arterial Roads in Bali using a Multinomial Logit Model
*Dewa Made Priyantha WedagamaDilum Dissanayake
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 363


This paper aims to investigate the influence of accident related factors on motorcycle injuries on two arterial roads in Bali. Multinomial logit (MNL) models are estimated considering three severity classes such as slight injury, serious injury and fatal injury as response variables using local police data as explanatory variables. The analysis shows that there are four variables associated with motorcycle injuries. Sideswipe accidents involving motorcyclists were 51.7% less likely resulting in serious injuries than slight injuries. In addition, motorcycles collided with other vehicle(s), either motorist/motorcyclist failed to yield and motorcycle at fault were 89.1%, 60.7% and 44% respectively less likely resulting in fatal injuries than slight injuries. Probability analysis shows that a change in 1% of these variables could influence motorcycle injuries between 33% and 34%.

© 2009 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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