Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Vol.7 (The 8th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2009)

Academic Paper
Case Study of Pedestrian Risk Behavior and Survival Analysis
Udit Gupta*Geetam TiwariNiladri ChatterjeeJoeseph FAzio
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 389


In order to improve traffic flow, signal-free, grade-separated intersections in Delhi have often replaced signalized intersections. Evaluating the impact of signal free intersections on pedestrians is important when nearly fifty percent fatalities in the city involves pedestrians. Examining a pedestrian sample before and after site reconstruction produces a better understanding of the subsequent changes in pedestrian risk behavior. Strategically placed camcorders viewed pedestrians and approaching traffic. Sixty two percent pedestrian accepted gap less than 4 seconds(exposed to high risk) after site reconstruction compared to fifteen percent pedestrian accepting similar gap before the site reconstruction. After reconstruction, 22% of pedestrians did not use the pedestrian underpass and continued unsafe crossings at the site.

© 2009 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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