Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Vol.8 (The 9th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2011)

Pratical Paper
Thai Design Guideline for the Design of Signal Control at Intersections - an Example of Successful International Scientific Networking
*Andreas VesperPichai Taneerananon
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 396


In the framework of the Thai-E.C. project "Improving Road Traffic Safety in Thailand - A Common Challenge for European and Thai Universities" the partner universities of the international network "NICE on RoadS" developed a new "Methodology for Design Guideline Implementation - Based on International Technology and Knowledge Transfer" and applied this methodology in the development of two Thai design guidelines: one guideline for the "Design of Signal Control at Intersections" and one guideline for the "Design of Compact Roundabouts". This paper focuses on the development process of the Thai guideline for the "Design of Signal Control at Intersections". The authors give a brief overview of the applied methodology, the conducted field studies, the structure and the content of the developed guideline as well as highlight selected differences between the current design of signal control in Thailand and the signal control design as recommended in the new developed design guideline.

© 2011 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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