Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Vol.8 (The 9th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 2011)

Practical Paper
Research Concerning Sharing of Metropolitan Transportation Costs by the Developer when Developing Residential Land
*Min-Seong KimYoung-Ihn Lee
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 53


This research has objective in finding the causes of metropolitan transportation facility cost of the developer and develope a estimates through studying cases of metropolitan transportation improvement measures of metropolitan large scale residential land to solve the problems developing between the developer and local government that is the founder, as there are no standards to divided the costs relevantly when building measurements to improve metropolitan transportation. This research especially put its efforts to find the correlation with the metropolitan transportation improvement cost not only in the characteristics of the development district but also including the existing infrastructure facility. Through this the effect factors of the metropolitan transportation facility was found, and model to computate the actual allocation cost of the developer was tried to be built.

© 2011 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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