Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
Online ISSN : 1881-1124
ISSN-L : 1341-8521
B: Transportation Economics and Policy
Car-use Reduction Policy Implications through Travel Mode Choice Modeling of University Students and Employees
Mathew Harvey T. PERALTA
Author information

2024 Volume 15 Pages 599-618


Universities attract a significant number of trips. Though the university studied in this paper, the University of the Philippines Diliman, has a high public transport mode share, the volume of private cars used by its stakeholders is still significant as seen in the recent return to campus experiences after the pandemic. Hence, this study aimed to understand the significant factors that affect the mode choice of university stakeholders, and to test the implications of changes to these factors using multinomial logistic modeling. Policies that target these changes are also discussed based on experiences of other universities. It was found that car availability for use is the most significant factor considered by the stakeholders. Distance from the university is also seen as significant to shift from private to active modes. Hence, it is recommended that policies targeting these factors specifically be implemented in this university in an effort to reduce car-usage.

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© 2024 Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
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