Online ISSN : 2186-506X
Print ISSN : 0029-0661
ISSN-L : 0029-0661
永森 正秋
ジャーナル フリー

1958 年 34 巻 5 号 p. 430-445,397


Utilization of I181 in clinical investigation has been so prevalent in recent years that a great number of contributions have been made by it toward the clarification of the thyroidal function. But experimental administration of this radioisotope to other patients than those having hyperthyroidism is subjected to certain restrictions.
In this paper, a physico-chemical method which can be conveniently used for the separate estimation of organic iodine compounds in human plasma is described. It consists of preliminary separation of the organic iodine compounds in the plasma by paper chromatography and subsequent quantitative estimation of each compound by Heki-Ono's method.
The results are as follows.
1. About 85 percent of PBI is recovered by this method.
2. Generally, 85 percent of the organic iodine is present As thyroxine and 15 percent as diiodotyrosine.
3. In hyperthyroidism, the thyroxine fraction increases ; in hypothyroidism, it decreases and the diiodotyrosine fraction shows significant increases.
4. These results are almost identical with those obtained with I131.

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