Online ISSN : 2186-506X
Print ISSN : 0029-0661
ISSN-L : 0029-0661
樽谷 修阿部 展祐輝細野 治石田 常博泉雄 勝古川 研河野 陽一
ジャーナル フリー

1985 年 61 巻 10 号 p. 1176-1181


The immunological properties of thyroglobulins (Tg) of individual patients, obtained from a thyroid tumor and its adjacent tissue were compared, using conventional or monoclonal antibodies against human Tg.
The thyroid tumors studied were non-functioning thyroid carcinomas and functioning thyroid adenomas. In contrast to non-functioning tumors, Tg from the functioning tumors was generally iodinated at a level close to that of normal tissue, and Tg from the tissue adjacent to the tumors had a very low iodine content. The conventional antiserum and monoclonal antibodies, B2F, seemed to recognize the conformation of Tg, while C6G showed a high affinity to Tg even when unfolded or denatured.
In most cases, Tg isolated from the tissue adjacent to a tumor showed a higher affinity to antibodies than Tgs of the tumor tissue, as determined by the inhibitional effect of these Tgs against the binding of standard Tg and antibody. Furthermore, the Tg of the adjacent tissue was immunologically different in nature from the standard Tg obtained from a normal thyroid gland.
From these results, Tgs of tumor and the adjacent tissue in individual patients were heterogeneous in immunological property, regardless of iodine content.

© 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
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