Experimental Animals
Online ISSN : 1881-7122
Print ISSN : 1341-1357
ISSN-L : 0007-5124
Response of Respiratory Epithelium of BN and F344 Rats to Formaldehyde Inhalation
Ryoichi OHTSUKAYasufumi SHUTOHideaki FUJIEMakio TAKEDATakanori HARADAShin-ichi ITAGAKI
Author information

1997 Volume 46 Issue 4 Pages 279-286

BN rats are well-known for their high capacity for IgE production and hyperresponsiveness to exposure to allergens or other chemicals. We examined the histological changes in the nasal cavity, trachea and lungs of BN and F344 rats after the inhalation of aerosol formaldehyde (HCHO), which exerts direct toxic effects on the respiratory system. The incidence of clinical signs such as sneezing and abnormal respiration in HCHO-treated F344 rats was higher than that in HCHO-treated BN rats. The mean body weight of HCHO-treated F344 rats apparently decreased in comparison with control F344 rats, but that of HCHO-treated BN rats was not significantly different from that of control BN rats. Changes such as squamous metaplasia, stratification, degeneration and desquamation were observed by light microscopy in nasal, tracheal and bronchial mucosa in the lungs of the HCHO-treated F344 rats. In the HCHO-treated BN rats, similar but milder lesions were restricted to the nasal mucosa. Scanning electron microscopic observation supported these light microscopic observations. These results suggest that BN rats have lower sensitivity to HCHO inhalation than F344 rats.
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© 1997 Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
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