Online ISSN : 1884-5711
ISSN-L : 0387-1207
拡大胃内視鏡Magnifying Fibergastroscope (FGS-ML) type2の使用経験
丸山 正隆横山 泉竹本 忠良
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 13 巻 3 号 p. 358-363


Histological studies are conducted in more and more details recently and the gap between endoscopic and histological observation cannot be readily filled, even becoming wider as the electron microscope was intro-duced. On the other hand, it becomes necessary to make observation more detailed than ordinary observa-tion in today's endoscopy. For these purposes, we had developed a magnifying f iberscope and recently intro-duced a new mechanism to improve it, which is FGS-ML type 2. This scope also employs a straight viewing system, and has an addticnal magnifying lens attached at the tip of the conventional object lens. The rate of magni-fication is 15 times of ordinary f ibergastroscopes, and it has almost satisfactory qualification as a magnifying fiberscope. With this scope, we observed some kinds of gastritis such as superficial gastritis, atrophic gastritis, and intes-tinal metaplasia, and gastric ulcers. Almost normal gastric mucosa has wave-like patterns or spotted patte-rns with white spots abreast relatively regularys. The significance of these patterns is not made clear distinc-tly and the analysis of the magnified pictures obtained remaids as a future problem, because our experience of magnifying observation is not yet so much. However this fiberscope has some points to be improved, the role of this scope will be important and it must be great to be got by magnifying observation in the future endoscopy.

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