Online ISSN : 1884-5711
ISSN-L : 0387-1207
中村 光司羽生 富士夫浜野 恭一高田 忠敬遠藤 光夫大井 至竹本 忠良
ジャーナル フリー

1972 年 14 巻 3 号 p. 382-391


Since endoscopic examination of the biliary tract is of paramount importance, it is desirable to improve and accomplish the fibercholangioscope. The flexible choledochoscope developed by Shore et al, has neither angle deflector nor forceps device, and is unsatisfactory both to diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, we use Machida's fiberbronchoscope (FBS) as a new approach to the examination of the biliary tract. It is 5mm in diameter and has an angle deflector and built-in forceps device. Its forceps channel is used for the bile-drainage and the circulation of the normal saline. We can remove intra-ductal stones easily with our newly devised stone-forceps through the biopsy channel. Though our bile-drainage unit is not perfect, it is better than any other one ever reported. So far, for draining bile, we have employed washing and circulation units, both of which are, however, a little complicated to operate. Then, we applied Olympus-made fiberesophagoscope (EF-PA) to the examination of the biliary tract. It is 7.2mm in diameter and has angle deflector. forceps device, and built-in air-and water-supplying system. The automatic one touch button system of supplying air and water, and of suction makes the manipulation simple and easy, keeps the operative field neat and clean and distends the wall moderately so that we can observe the biliary tract easily. To date, we have performed fibercholangioscopy and in a series of 90 cases. among which 13 cases with Shore's flexible choledochoscope, 40 with FBS, and 37 with EF-PA. Here in this report, we discuss the conditions of ideal fibercholangioscope and introduce our newly devised fibercholangioscope, to which the advantages of the various existing fiberscopes are applied.

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