Global Health & Medicine
Online ISSN : 2434-9194
Print ISSN : 2434-9186
Original Article
Service contents and recovery orientation of psychiatric home-visit nursing evaluated by users in Japan
Yoshifumi KidoNozomi SetoyaHiroko TakasunaHitoshi KusachiYumi HiraharaShigemasa KatayamaHisateru TachimoriAkiko FunakoshiMami Kayama
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 5 巻 3 号 p. 136-141


The aim of this study was to clarify the differences perceived by users of home-visit nursing care between providers from medical institutions and services from independent home-visit nursing stations, as well as to examine the recovery orientation from the perspectives of the users. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 32 home-visit nursing stations and 18 medical institutions. From these facilities, 10 users of psychiatric home-visit nursing services who were being treated for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were selected. With regard to the care that they thought was good, the home-visit nursing station users responded more often than users of home-visit nursing care provided by medical institutions regarding "help with hobbies and fun" and "support to empower you". Regarding what users wanted from home-visit nursing care, a statistically significant difference was found between users of home nursing stations who answered, "I want the same person to come", and users of home-visit nursing services provided by medical institutions, who answered, "I want various people to come". Brief INSPIRE-J score for study participants was 81.9 (standard deviation; SD 18.1) for users of home-visit nursing care services from medical institutions and 83.7 (SD 15.5)for home-visit nursing station users. It is conceivable that the care provided by psychiatric home-visit nursing services may have a greater potential for promoting recovery. However, since the characteristics of users and facilities may differ, future research is needed to clarify which recovery factors are effectively promoted by each service.

© 2023 National Center for Global Health and Medicine
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