Global Health & Medicine
Online ISSN : 2434-9194
Print ISSN : 2434-9186


International strategy in cancer epidemiology: Japan's involvement in global projects and future role
Tomohiro MatsudaKeitaro MatsuoNorie SawadaManami Inoue
ジャーナル フリー 早期公開

論文ID: 2021.01002


In recent years, collaboration among researchers in the field of cancer epidemiology has been accelerating in various forms. Here, we review recent trends in international collaborative research activities in the cancer epidemiology field in Japan. These include not only support for other countries with less developed cancer statistics infrastructures, but also large-scale compilations and international comparisons through collaborative studies, as well as integration with analytical epidemiology and clinical research. Formation of international cohort consortia and estimates of cancer and risk factors in each country have contributed to raising the skill levels of cancer epidemiologists as well as to expanding research networks and activities among cancer epidemiologists. Molecular and genome epidemiological studies on cancer have progressed over decades and these continue to increase in size and dimension. Application of evidence from this area in prevention is still underway and needs further effort. Japanese epidemiologists have great potential to assume international leadership roles by taking advantage of the uniqueness, originality and characteristics of Japanese cohorts.

© 2021 National Center for Global Health and Medicine