Online ISSN : 2185-1719
Print ISSN : 0016-7444
ISSN-L : 0016-7444
多摩・淘綾二丘陵の地表傾斜と耕作景(下) 統計的網目法の應用
松井 勇
ジャーナル フリー

1932 年 8 巻 8 号 p. 661-673


The author, in connection with certain chorological investigations of the Tama-hill, had the opportunity of collecting data in regard to the frequency-distribution of the degree of surface inclination as well as certain cultural phenomena. In this paper he gives a short review of the superficial relation between the degree of the surface inclination and the cultural phenomena of this district and compares it with the same relation that obtains in the Yurugi-hill. In order to study these relationships from topographical maps, the present author adopted the so-called statistical mesh, a new method recently introduced in geography by Dr. T. Terada, and adopted by Mr. S: Yoshimura, especially in chorological interpretations. Some of the most interesting results obtained by this method in connection with the above-mentioned hills are as follows.
1) While the average inclination of the Yurugi-hill is steeper than that of the Tama-hill, conversely the extent of cultivation in the former is somewhat greater than in that of the latter.
2), The slope of the Yurugi-hill is cultivated more intensively than that of the Tama-hill.
3) The areal developement of paddy fields in the Tama-hill is greater than that of the Yurugi-hill.

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