Abstract of Papers Presented at Annual Meeting of the Gemmological Society of Japan
2015 Annual Meeting
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Abstracts of Papers Presented at 2015 Annual Meeting of the Gemmological Society of Japan
Historical aspects and recent topics of study on synthetic crystals and crystal growth
*Satoshi Watauchi
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Pages 1-


Historical aspects of the Center for Crystal Science and Technology (CCST), University of Yamanashi would be introduced. The CCST was established as the Institute of Inorganic Synthesis in 1962. The synthesis of quartz was mainly studied at that time. In 1989, a large high quality single crystal of high-Tc superconductor was successfully grown at this center by the floating zone (FZ) method. This method has been popular to material scientists in the world since then. Now I mainly study the development of the FZ method to realize the manufacturing of a crystal by this method.

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