Online ISSN : 1883-5872
ISSN-L : 1883-5872
金井 茂樹本谷 聡堀口 文松浦 稜杉井 勇介
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 16 巻 p. 32-44


One aim of this study was to devise and implement exercise programs for 14 beginners to the Cyr wheel to learn spinning in a total of 5 sessions (30 minutes each). Another aim of this study was to examine participants’ reflections on those exercise programs and to examine changes in the number of spins and posture during rotations in order to obtain basic knowledge to create a safe, efficient, and enjoyable exercise program for Cyr wheel beginners. One main result of this study was that participants gained a sense of accomplishment when the devised exercise program involved "manipulation" or "balance" rather than "spinning". Participants did not feel an excessive burden from apparatus use and balance, but they enjoyed rotating more. The number of spins and rotation time, i.e., the second aim of this study, increased significantly because the exercise program was conducted in a total of 5 sessions. In addition, the apparatus distance and participants’ shoulder angle increased significantly, and their knee angle decreased drastically.

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