Online ISSN : 2433-1066
Print ISSN : 0913-7041
ISSN-L : 0913-7041
家庭を巡る「親密性」の意味 : 小説『空中庭園』を通して考える
池田 理知子
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 35 巻 p. 57-75


Much research on family communication has been conducted on the assumption that better communication facilitates family relations and "love" therein. The modern family presupposes a type of "intimacy" and a certain form of love. The field of family communication is based on this modern paradigm. The present research questions its assumption and delineates the structure of "intimacy" through textual analysis of a novel, Kuchu-Teien (Sky Garden), written by Mitsuyo Kakuta. More specifically, this research focuses on the relationship between mother and daughter. It tries to determine how the modern family functions in order to make daughters "mothers, " which is described in the text. However, the text also presents the possibility of a new relationship, which may be related to the notion of "feminine fluidity" that Irigaray suggests. A feminine discourse may unfold what intimacy means in family and may open a new horizon in the field of family communication.

© 2007 日本コミュニケーション学会
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