Journal of smooth muscle research Japanese section
Online ISSN : 1884-877X
Print ISSN : 1342-8152
ISSN-L : 1342-8152
北川 靖大原 秀一下瀬川 徹
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 6 巻 3 号 p. J129-J138


We investigated some important points to standardize 13C breath test for gastric emptying. The 13CO2 infrared spectrophotometry analyzer for 13C urea breath test to diagnose helicobacter pylori infection needed two breath samples which were collected before and after taking 13C substance to measure Δ value. We used a few big sampling bags to collect breath samples before taking test meal. The Δ value between two breath samples collected without 13C substance was very small. So there was no problem to regard separate breath samples as same 13CO2 concentration. Deep breathing and using big sampling bag did not influenced because total CO2 concentration of breath sample was not influenced the Δ value when CO2 concentration was more than 2%. Therefore the 13CO2 infrared spectrophotometry analyzer was useful to measure breath samples of 13C breath test for gastric emptying. Previous studies usually used the half emptying time as a parameter to assume gastric emptying. Recently, the maximum 13C excretion time was reported as a good parameter to assume gastric emptying. But in 13C-octanoate breath test for solids test meal, the half emptying time and the maximum 13C excretion time were considered parameters which were influenced by absorption, metabolism and excretion because there were strong correlations between the total cumulative 13C recovery and these parameters. Reproducibility of the parameters in 13C-acetate breath test for liquids were better than those in 13C-octanoate breath test for solids. So we considered that 13C-acetate breath test measured by the 13CO2 infrared spectrophotometry analyzer was a standard method of 13C breath test for gastric emptying and that the maximum 13C excretion time was more useful parameter than other parameters. To simplify 13C breath test for gastric emptying, we considered to need more studies of normal subjects and patients.


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