Japanese Journal of Health Promotion and Physical Therapy
Online ISSN : 2187-3305
Print ISSN : 2186-3741
ISSN-L : 2186-3741
Association of weight loss with physical function and quality of life in elderly patients with hematologic malignancies
A survey in a ward with a physical therapist
Hiroki KofujiShin MurataMasakatsu HishizawaHiroko Miyazaki
Author information

2023 Volume 13 Issue 2 Pages 63-69


Objective: This study aimed to determine the association between weight loss and physical function and quality of life (QOL) in elderly patients with hematologic malignancies in a ward with a physical therapist. Methods: Two hundred and twenty patients undergoing chemotherapy were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of weight loss during hospitalization, and compared in terms of occurrence of adverse events. Furthermore, at admission and discharge, changes in physical function (grip strength, standing balance, and gait independence) and quality of life were compared using Two-way Analysis of Variance. Results: Weight loss group had more adverse events. Two-way Analysis of Variance showed no significant differences in either main effect or group interaction effects. Main effect of time was observed for gait independence and QOL, with both groups improving at discharge. Conclusion: Weight loss group in this study had a higher incidence of adverse events. However, physical function and quality of life of patients with weight loss were maintained and improved in a ward with a physical therapist. The placement of physical therapists in hospital wards may contribute to preventing a decline in physical function and quality of life during hospitalization.

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© 2023 Japan Society of Health Promotion and Physical Therapy

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