Online ISSN : 2186-8913
Print ISSN : 2186-8433
ISSN-L : 2186-8433
Review and Proposal for the Japanese Social Security System, Mainly Focusing on the Possible Reform Proposals for the Pension System
Jun-ichi Ozawa
Author information

2013 Volume 2 Issue 1 Pages 19-24

The social security system was originally established in the feudal period of Tokugawa for helping low-income groups, followed by the pension system for the defense groups prepared by the Meiji government. This system was developed for the government officer and later for the private sector in the 1960s. During the early stage of the modern period, thanks to rapid economic growth, no financial problem was found fortunately. This situation has completely reversed recently due to several reasons; stagnation in economic growth, growth of elder groups, lack of proper financial strategy, organizational problems in the enforcement of the social system, and uneasiness among the nation. This paper was prepared to show a brief outline of the recent history of the social system in Japan and proposes some alternatives to be taken by the government.
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© 2013 International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy
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