Online ISSN : 1348-8163
Print ISSN : 0913-6339
ISSN-L : 0913-6339
榎本 裕治北村 正司酒井 俊彦大原 光一郎
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 124 巻 1 号 p. 85-90


The segment core method is a popular method employed in motor core manufacturing; however, this method does not allow the stator core precision to be enhanced because the stator is assembled from many cores. The axial eccentricity of rotor and stator and the internal roundness of the stator core are regarded as the main factors which affect cogging torque. In the present study, the way in which a motor with a split-type stator generates a cogging torque is investigated to determine whether high- precision assembly of stator cores can reduce cogging torque. Here, DC brushless motors were used to verify the influence of stator-rotor eccentricity and roundness of the stator bore on cogging torque. The evaluation results prove the feasibility of reducing cogging torque by improving the stator core precision. Therefore, improving the eccentricity and roundness will enable stable production of well controlled motors with few torque ripples.

© 電気学会 2004
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