Online ISSN : 1348-8163
Print ISSN : 0913-6339
ISSN-L : 0913-6339
朴 炳植
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 112 巻 3 号 p. 221-228


A novel carbon dioxide-recovering gas turbine power generation system is proposed in which carbon dioxide (CO2) generated is recovered by adopting the oxygen (02) combustion method and no thermal nitrogen oxide is generated. In the system, super heated steam produced by utilizing waste heat from a factory is used as working fluid of the gas turbine. Thus, the compressing process of the working fluid gas, which is the most energy-consuming process in generating power by using gas turbine, is not needed, and this makes the system to be extremely high-efficient. By taking a garbage incineration plant as an example of waste heat emitting factories, the characteristics of the system was simulated. Gross thermal efficiency has been estimated to be 88.0%, and the power generation efficiency to be 70.4% by subtracting the electric power required not only to generate O2 and to compress it but also to liquefy the recovered CO2. The net power generation efficiency was calculated to be 47.8% when the energy supplied by the garbage incineration plant is taken into account. This value is higher than the efficiency, 44.5%, of the most advanced large scale thermal power generation plant using the same natural gas, and is 23.5% higher than its efficiency of 38.7%, the one estimated if the CO2 is removed and recovered from the stack gas by using alkanolamine-based solvent and the recovered CO2 is liquefied.

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