Online ISSN : 1348-8163
Print ISSN : 0913-6339
ISSN-L : 0913-6339
上田 明紀平尾 俊樹小林 俊吉村 秀人守田 正夫大石 紀夫中林 幸夫
ジャーナル フリー

1993 年 113 巻 5 号 p. 665-672


A 70 MW class superconducting generator has been developed under an eight year program since FY 1988 as one of the MOON LIGHT PROJECTS conducted by MITI.
This paper summarizes the experimental results of a superconducting model coil using a rotating cryostat. The test setup is designed to verify performances of the model coil under actual centrifugal force and helium conditions of the 70 MW class superconducting generator.
The current carrying characteristics of the model coil were tested at the rated rotating speed of 3, 600 rpm. Furthermore the rotating speed was changed from 300 rpm to 3, 600 rpm to verify the effect of rotation. The tested quench current was approximately the same as the static test value. High stability of the model coil under severe flux change was also verified. These results verify that the superconductor, coil supporting structure and cooling method applied to the model coil are suitable for superconducting generators.

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