Online ISSN : 1884-5622
Print ISSN : 0445-2429
ISSN-L : 0445-2429
岡谷 大
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 35 巻 2 号 p. 113-130


This report presents the complementarity of citation analysis and terminology in the study of paradigm of biotechnology. Based on the results of titles/terms in the contributing journals and cited journals, analysis and synthesis were performed and provided significant results in the fields of biotechnology: A (enzymology and microbial chemistry), B (biomedical polymers), C (biotehcnology) and D (biocatalytic chemistry).
The following points should be mentioned:
1. Citation analysis groups core journals in the same biochemical journals. (Analytical Chemistry, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, Journal of Biological Chemistry)
2. Analysis of methodological terms groups common terms in the same biotechnological terms (cloning, fusion, immobilization)
3. The above resuls (1 and 2) indicate that paradigm of biotechnology is formed also in this case.
4. Analysis of words of journal titles groups such noteworthy terms as abbreviation (TMV), idiomatic term (Northern blot hybridization), synonym (transformation), transferred term (translation).
5. The results of 4 indicate that terminology complements citation analysis in the study of paradigm.
6. These results are important for organization of journals in the library or information retrieval of stored databases.

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