International Journal of Brief Therapy and Family Science
Online ISSN : 2435-1172
A case report about the Support for the step Family accepted child evacuated from Fukushima after the grate disaster in japan.
Michiko Ikuta
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2015 年 5 巻 2 号 p. 73-77


This presentation will describe about the a foster home caused by a disaster of Japan. Many families escaped from area of disaster especially from Fukushima , the area of nuclear disaster. And some of the families, have a situation can’t allow to move, decided to let their children live far place , at foster parents. National Foundation of Brief therapy/Japan have given free counseling for them. and all of the case indicated SFA. The most important of this case is the “compliments to Foster Mother”. Therapist complimented her carefully. About the “hit and bite and kick “, direct Foster Mother below. When the boy hit ex, please ignore and leave from him. But when he “doesn’t”, please hug and talk to him. About the phone, tell the real mother not talk after 9pm and suggest “indirect compliments” that Foster Mother tell Real Mother about the good point of the boy and Real Mother tell the boy on the phone. Then, After 1 month after, There is no problem, no hit and bite, and phone 2 times to RM per day. He enjoying to play the “foster brother and father” everyday. He refused to eat vegetables, but eat all now. He feel pleased to help cooking and housekeeping. The relationship of FM and RM become very good. The therapist praised her effort heartily.

© 2015 National Foundation of Brief Therapy