International Journal of Brief Therapy and Family Science
Online ISSN : 2435-1172
Effects of interpersonal relations on the cognition of self-deprecating humor
Naoto Nihonmatsu Masako OkunoKoubun Wakashima
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2017 年 7 巻 1 号 p. 3-12


The purpose of this study is to consider and clarify the affirmative side of self-deprecating humor in daily scenes, focusing on interpersonal relations. We conducted inquiry survey whose subjects are 137 Japanese college students―67males and 70 females (M = 19.33, SD = 1.38). When we conducted covariance structures on effects of interpersonal relations on self-deprecating humor, we found that it was perceived as socially desirable in addition to favorableness and warm feelings if they have entertaining relation and feel happy to be with each other. However, it is showed that use of self-deprecating humor is perceived as lack of self-confidence if they have strong emotional ties. Accordingly, the survey shows that self-deprecating humor is perceived differently according relation between friends and it can be said that it is necessary to use it properly to each friend.

© 2017 National Foundation of Brief Therapy
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