International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources
Online ISSN : 1884-6629
Print ISSN : 1347-9725
ISSN-L : 1347-9725
A Method for Estimating Colors due to Fuzzy Reasoning
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 10 巻 2 号 p. 153-157


It was well known that spectral reflectance information taken by using a CCD camera through X, Y and Z filters was much related to both brilliance and illumination. Also color information in the groups that composed of five similar colors under the different lighting condition was examined; the groups were achromatic color, red, green and blue. However, the similar color groups of cyan, magenta and yellow, which are complementary colors of red, green and blue, were not examined. Therefore, this paper examines the color features for the above three groups, and proposes a method due to fuzzy reasoning for estimating colors from seven similar color groups. First, we estimate a color group to which an objective color belongs in seven groups. Secondly, the objective color is extracted from five similar ones in the estimated group. The reliability of the proposed method is demonstrated on an experiment using the data on thirty-five colors.

© The Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of JAPAN
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