Internal Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-7235
Print ISSN : 0918-2918
ISSN-L : 0918-2918
Current Status and Issues Regarding Transitional Health Care for Adults and Young Adults with Special Health Care Needs in Japan
Hiroyuki AriyasuTakashi Akamizu
Author information

2018 Volume 57 Issue 10 Pages 1337-1344


With the progress of medical care in recent years, the prognosis of intractable diseases of childhood onset has markedly improved. Young adults with special health care needs require continuous medical support throughout their lifetimes. To provide them with optimal health care services, a smooth transition from the pediatric medical system to the adult one is essential. However, in Japan many adult health providers are not sufficiently prepared to care for these patients, due both to limited opportunities to gain up-to-date medical knowledge on transitional health care and a lack of familiarity with the medical treatment of childhood-onset chronic diseases. In this review, we discuss current issues in transitional health care in Japan from an internist's viewpoint.

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© 2018 by The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
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