Journal of Information Processing
Online ISSN : 1882-6652
ISSN-L : 1882-6652
PSPACE-completeness of Pulling Blocks to Reach a Goal
Joshua AniSualeh AsifErik D. DemaineYevhenii DiomidovDylan HendricksonJayson LynchSarah SchefflerAdam Suhl
キーワード: motion planning, hardness, puzzles
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 28 巻 p. 929-941


We prove PSPACE-completeness of all but one problem in a large space of pulling-block problems where the goal is for the agent to reach a target destination. The problems are parameterized by whether pulling is optional, the number of blocks which can be pulled simultaneously, whether there are fixed blocks or thin walls, and whether there is gravity. We show NP-hardness for the remaining problem, Pull?-1FG (optional pulling, strength 1, fixed blocks, with gravity).

© 2020 by the Information Processing Society of Japan
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