IPSJ Transactions on System and LSI Design Methodology
Online ISSN : 1882-6687
ISSN-L : 1882-6687
Behaviour Driven Development for Hardware Design
Melanie DiepenbeckUlrich KühneMathias SoekenDaniel GrosseRolf Drechsler
Author information

2018 Volume 11 Pages 29-45


Hardware verification requires a lot of effort. A recent study showed that on average, there are more verification engineers working on a project than design engineers. Hence, one of the biggest challenges in design and verification today is to find new ways to increase the productivity. For software development the agile methodology as an incremental approach has been proposed and is heavily used. Behavior Driven Development (BDD) as an agile technique additionally enables a direct link to natural language based testing. In this article, we show how BDD can be extended to make it viable for hardware design. In addition, we present a two-fold strategy which allows to specify textual acceptance tests and textual formal properties. Finally, this strategy is complemented by methods to generalize tests to properties, and to enhance design understanding by presenting debug and witness scenarios in natural language.

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© 2018 by the Information Processing Society of Japan
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