International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
Online ISSN : 2187-3666
ISSN-L : 2187-3666
Section: Planning and Design Implementation
Impact assessment of Corridor Oriented development
A case of urban agglomerations of India
Chandan Mysore ChandrashekarBharath H Aithal
Author information

2021 Volume 9 Issue 2 Pages 172-194


Rapid urbanisation has been a factor affectingcities negatively and irreversibly in developing countries like India,adversely leading to depleting natural resources and promoting unbalanced anduneven urbanism. To handle the influx of population into core urban regions andto promote holistic, sustainable development, government and planning agenciesare now looking upon regional development. Developing countries like India haslaid plans for future urban corridor-oriented development. This study aims tounderstand the urban growth of two major developing cities influenced bytransport corridor through a methodological approach using multi-temporalsatellite data and its position in India's network of cities. Land use analysiswas validated with the aid of measures such as overall accuracy and kappastatistics, with good values of more than 85% and 0.75 respectively wereachieved. The hierarchical network analysis indicated five different clustersbased on the urban growth rate. Among these clusters, Bangalore, Ahmedabad andPune cluster was further shortlisted for analysis based on the urban transportcorridor affecting the growth of these cities. Cellular automata-based SLEUTH modelwas adopted in this work to carefully observe sub-division level details of theregion under the influence of the corridor. Exhaustive calibration, with threephases of coarse, fine and final, validation procedure along with statisticalfit measures reveal urban expansion for Ahmedabad region has witnessed anincrease from 497.50 km2 (2017) to 826.24 km2 (2025)while Pune region has experienced tremendous urban area transformation of 901.11km2 in the year 2025 against 497.27 km2 in 2017. Resultsof this analysis would help policymakers and planners to inculcate decisionsconcerning future urban trends accommodating safer, healthier, sustainable and liveableurban ecosystem.

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