Online ISSN : 1884-8729
Print ISSN : 0021-1699
ISSN-L : 0021-1699
仲村 信夫塩川 三郎左合 昌齋稻垣 省一新見 和夫佐藤 制一土屋 夏實小出 昭三
ジャーナル フリー

1956 年 10 巻 10 号 p. 844-848


One of the most important problems in tracheobronchial tuberculosis is bronchial stenosis due to scar. The authors had 60 such cases, 44 male and 16 female cases. They were 24 on the right side, 32, left and 2 in both sides. Their 31 cases were TB bacilli-positive and 29 negative. Their 41 cases were treated with chemotherapy. Their 4 cases were minimal; 30, moderately advanced; 26, advanced.
Lung capacity and ventilation were examined and gave the following results: Vital capacity and ventilated volume were low, especially, maximum breathing capacity and C. P. U. E. were remarkably low. The facts may indicate that inspiration and expiration, especially the latter, are disturbed and active dynamic ventilation is hindered. Furthermore, increased residual volume, especially, rate of residual volume and gas mixing index may indicate the disturbance of gas mixing, due to the obstructive disturbance of ventilation.

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