2019 年 32 巻 12 号 p. 439-445
This paper analyzes the degree of influence of the presentation order on the voting behavior of participants in the book review game, Bibliobattle, and examines ways to reduce this influence. We collected and analyzed the data of Bibliobattle games that were spontaneously conducted in various places, and this method was applied to research other communication-field mechanism designs. We classified the results of approximately 800 Bibliobattle games collected from the Internet by the order of presentation. Subsequently, we compared the number of Champion Book awards secured by the first and second, and last and last but one in the presentations when compared to others in the presentation order. Consequently, the possibility of the first and second presenters acquiring a Champion Book award has a detrimental effect on the other presenters in the order. Conversely, the possibility of the last and second-last presenters acquiring a Champion Book award is advantageous for the other presenters in the order. We considered the possibility that the response order effect influences voting in the Bibliobattle game. Also, by performing the voting process in the reverse order of the presentation, we examined the way to reduce the influence of the response order effect.