Online ISSN : 2185-811X
Print ISSN : 1342-5668
ISSN-L : 1342-5668
牧野 俊昭平川 治生寺田 勝之金沢 宏至宮下 邦夫
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 5 巻 5 号 p. 183-190


It has been already proposed to provide a linear induction motor system acting as a driving source for a linear fork mechanism, which is effective as a next loading mechanism. Although its structure is simple, it has some problems of low efficiency, electromagnetic noise, high attracting forces acting between a moving part and a fixed stator, and high frictional force.
In this paper, it is proposed to study a basic structure, of linear synchronous motor which can solve these problems. We have made an experimental equipment on a trial basis of linear fork mechanism by combining the loading mechanism. Its mechanism has generated a thrust of 588 N. Its equipment has realized a high acceleration and a high deceleration of about 1.0 m/s2 with its mouting mass of 100 kg.
Last, we have confirmed that a high speed loading in about 2.2 second could be carried out, when the stroke was 0.8m.

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