Online ISSN : 2185-811X
Print ISSN : 1342-5668
ISSN-L : 1342-5668
呉 亜棟辺見 一男井上 和夫
ジャーナル フリー

1992 年 5 巻 7 号 p. 294-301


In our previous paper, we proposed an approximation model of pitch pattern for the recognition of four tones of Chinese speech. In this paper, we describe how to use the approximation model to recognize the tones of polysyllabic Chinese words. In order to segment a phrase to the syllabic unit, we propose a new segmentation scheme based on the analysis of the sound linking characteristic between syllables. The phrases are classified into non-linked syllabic phrases and linked syllabic phrases. Applying pitch information directly to the former, power parameter and AMDF (Average Magnitude Differential Function) to the latter, phrases are segmented into two syllabic units. Using the approximation model and separated syllabic units, tone recognition of polysyllabic words are carried out. From the results of the recognition experiment which realized the recognition rate of 96. 6% in an average, it is evident that this method is effective to recognize the tone of polysyllabic Chinese words.

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