Proceedings of the JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power
Online ISSN : 2185-6303
ISSN-L : 2185-6303
Development of Human-Robot Haptic Interface Using Pneumatic Parallel Manipulator
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 1999 巻 4 号 p. 181-186


When human and robot implement a cooperative task, information (intention) transfer between human and robot comes up as an important problem as the task becomes complicated. In this paper, a haptic interface using a pneumatic parallel manipulator is developed to realize “information transferby means of contact”. Concretely saying, the contact information given by human's touch, namely contact force vector and contact point on the manipulator, is detected by the interface itself and such informations are transfered to the robot by being connected with some reference signal. Pneumatic parallel manipulator works as a kind of elastic body even when its position is controlled owing to the air compressibility. Focusing on this characteristic and introducing an idea of compliance center with spherical shell, contact force and contact point are detected without force sensor. The validity of proposed method is confirmed through some experiments.

© The Japan Fluid Power System Society
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