Online ISSN : 2185-6451
Print ISSN : 1340-4520
ISSN-L : 1340-4520
血管性病変の塞栓術 コンプレックスケースレビュー
小金丸 雅道鍋田 雅和廣松 伸一田上 秀一久原 麻子久木山 智子高須 修安陪 等思
ジャーナル 認証あり

2017 年 32 巻 3 号 p. 209-212


Here we describe a rare case of an external iliac arterial injury with a pseudoaneurysm due to a pelvic fracture sustained in a traffic accident. Although the external iliac arterial injury was treated by the placement of a covered stent, which preserved the native blood flow, this arterial blood flow was occluded by a pseudoaneurysm. The cause of the occluded external iliac artery was partially demonstrated by an extravascular placement of the covered stent. The occluded external iliac artery was additionally treated by an external iliac-common femoral arterial bypass surgery following internal iliac artery embolization for contrast extravasation. One of the treatment options for an external iliac arterial injury is the placement of a covered stent. The advantages of this procedure are that it preserves native arterial blood flow and is minimally invasive. However, a covered stent placement should be used with care and precision, especially when the injury is to the external iliac artery adjacent to the common femoral artery. In addition, an external iliac arterial injury only occasionally occurs after a pelvic fracture.

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