Online ISSN : 1882-2762
ISSN-L : 1882-2762
Original Articles
Japanese Anthropometric Reference Data - Special Emphasis on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis of Muscle Mass
Yoshikazu YoneiYoshiyuki MiwaSawako HibinoYoko TakahashiRyo MiyazakiToshikazu YoshikawaHisataka MoriwakiTsutomu HasegawaTakao HiraishiKazuhisa Torii
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 5 巻 6 号 p. 63-72


PURPOSE: In order to provide anthropometric reference data of body composition of Japanese, values measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) were summed.
METHODS: Healthy subjects leading a conventional lifestyle (4,365 males and 5,970 females) were selected. Their height and body weight were measured. Body fat amount, body fat percentage, lean body mass, water content, total muscle mass, bone mass, upper arm muscle mass, forearm muscle mass, thigh muscle mass, lower leg muscle mass, and quadriceps muscle mass were measured using BIA (Physion-XP or MD, Physion Co., Ltd., Kyoto) and weight-bearing index (WBI, quadriceps muscle maximal strength/body weight) was calculated.
RESULTS: Body fat amount showed an upward curve which plateaued in the age range of 40 to 79 years in both sexes. lean body mass and water content decreased after 50 years in both sexes. Bone mass decreased from the 80's in males and 60's in females. Total muscle mass, upper arm muscle mass, forearm muscle mass, thigh muscle mass, and quadriceps muscle mass decreased from the 50's to 60's in both sexes. The extent was more prominent in males. Lower leg muscle mass was nearly constant in males and females. WBI gradually decreased from the 30's in both sexes.
CONCLUSIONS: To date, large-scale body composition data of healthy Japanese subjects have not been available. Application of the present data to assessment of nutrition status in various daily clinical diseases and to training and rehabilitation are expected in the future.

© 2008 Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine