Online ISSN : 1884-8184
ISSN-L : 0289-2030
保母 須弥也高山 寿夫
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 10 巻 2-3 号 p. 1-25


The relation between anterior guidance and condylar path was studied three-dimensionally utilizing a kinematic priciple and experimental data. Kinematic formulae that compute the threedimensional directional angles of incisal path during eccentric mandibular movements from the measured data of condylar path were presented. The methods for determining the angle of hinge rotation of the mandible and sagittal deviation of the working condylar path were studied, both of which are necessary for accomplishing the above computation.
The angle of hinge rotation of the mandible was caused by making anterior guidance steeper than condylar path, and was related analytically as a factor which causes disclusion. The amount of disclusion is found to approximate the deviation in the condylar path in a mechanism to avoid occlusal interferences. The cusp shape component was another factor which produced disclusion.
The amount of disharmony in canine guidance influenced sagittal deviation of the working condylar path, and if canine guidance was made so that the amount of disharmony was negligible, then the working condyle moved outward along the terminal hinge axis without any sagittal deviation. The clinical procedures for patient treatment were described.

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