Online ISSN : 1884-8184
ISSN-L : 0289-2030
内田 剛也白井 輝充遠藤 昌紀清水 大也関口 哲夫吉江 明
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 18 巻 3 号 p. 407-412


In prosthetic treatment, impression taking and bite taking are important when any prosthetic method is selected.
This is because reproducibility of the positional relationship among abutment pieces and the antagonistic relationship between the maxilla and mandible in the articulator markedly affects production of prostheses using the articulator.
In particular, when implants are connected at their suprastructure, the accuracy of the reproducibility of this positional relationship is an important problem the markedly affects prognosis.
Implants and the jaw are connected in an ankylotic way. Therefore, when implants are connected at their suprastructure, slight errors (including those in screws for fixation of the suprastructure) not only affect prostheses but also may cause certain problems in the connection between the implants and jaw.
Therefore, impression taking methods considering the characteristics of each type of implants have been used.
Noting that the provisional restoration in the Octa System of ITI implants is retrievable, we used this provisional restoration in impression·bite taking for the final prosthesis production. Compared with conventional impression·bite taking methods, this method was useful for reproducing the positional relationship among the implants and the maxillomandibular occlusal relationship.

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