Online ISSN : 2186-5256
Print ISSN : 0004-7120
ISSN-L : 0004-7120
62. 臨界プラズマ試験装置の試作開発,(III)
山本 正弘清水 正亜中村 博雄高津 英幸西郷 奉素太田 充吉川 允二伊藤 吉保佐藤 弘唐津 義憲相澤 剛志
ジャーナル フリー

1978 年 20 巻 4 号 p. 258-272


The vacuum vessel of JT-60, JAERI large tokamak device whose construction has just been started in fiscal year 1977, is a toroidal chamber made from Inconel 625 and consists of eight rigid sectorial rings and U-shaped parallel bellows. It has a major radius of 3m, a non-circular cross section with a bore of 3m and an electric resistance of 1.3mΩ. The ultimate vacuum pressure is less than 10-8 torr. The vessel is loaded by atmospheric pressure and various electromagnetic forces during a discharge at a temperature up to 400°C.
Construction of such a large vacuum vessel as in the JT-60 has never been made in the past and necessitated to undertake a series of research and development (R & D) regarding selection of vacuum vessel materials, manufacture of components, selection of surface treatment technique and methods for analyzing stress, strain, buckling and temperature distribution of the vacuum vessel.
The present R & D was completed and established design and fabrication technique for the construction of the JT-60 vacuum vessel with such satisfactory results that Inconel 625 was selected as the vacuum vessel material, fabrication technique of bellows with a non-circular cross section was established, the availability of the surface treatment technique was verified and a new finite element method specially suited for the stress analysis of such structures was developed.

© by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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