Online ISSN : 2433-2976
観光需要モデル推定に関する研究 : 海洋観光の参加決定要因および訪問量決定要因を中心に
李 承吉李 洸玉
ジャーナル フリー

2012 年 19 巻 p. 53-60


The focus of this study is the identification of determinants and demand models for marine tourism in Korea. For this study, a hurdle Poisson count model and a hurdle negative binomial count model were applied. In the first stage, to identify the participation determinants, a binomial probability model to test whether a count variable has a value of zero or a positive value was employed. In the second stage, a truncated-at-zero Poisson model and a negative binomial distribution model were used to analyze the consumption determinants for marine tourism. A test of whether the hurdle negative binomial count model reduces to the hurdle Poisson count model was applied using an overdispersion test. Ultimately, these survey results will be used as part of a marketing information database to develop a marketing strategy and establish policy for marine tourism.

© 2012 日本国際観光学会
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