Online ISSN : 2758-3805
Print ISSN : 0915-0625
─多母集団同時分析によるJGSS-2006 の検討─
藪垣 将渡辺 美穂田川 薫
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 29 巻 1 号 p. 51-63


  Although middle age is known to be a stage of crisis and change from the standpoint of the family life cycle, previous studies have pointed out the lack of empirical studies of middle-aged couples. In addition, biased sampling is a major problem in studies of couples. Data on 358 middle-aged males and 459 middle-aged females from the JGSS-2006 (a large-sample social survey) was used to examine the relationship between marital satisfaction and emotional support, the division of household labor, health, working hours, and whether or not children still resided with their parents. These data were analyzed via a simultaneous analysis of several groups. Results revealed a cross-over effect whereby emotional support from one's spouse increased an individual’s marital satisfaction. Gender differences were evident in the effect that providing emotional support and a child still residing at home had on marital satisfaction. Moreover, males tended to rate giving and receiving emotional support higher than females. Results also revealed that the division of household labor did not affect marital satisfaction. These findings suggest that emotional support may mutually benefit husbands and wives in middle-aged couples, and this support may play an important role in enhancing marital satisfaction. Topics for future research include conducting additional studies of emotional support that incorporate heightened expectations and conducting studies using couple data and longitudinal studies.

© 2015 日本家族心理学会