Online ISSN : 2188-3505
ISSN-L : 2188-3505
寺西 未沙勝又 美穂子西川 宏近藤 勝義田中 学
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2020 年 8 巻 2 号 p. 1-12


This paper aims to clarify the coupling internship’s educational impact (CIS) implemented as part of global education at Osaka University. In Japan, the need for “global education” and “career development” is increasing due to several contributing factors that also include social background. Still it has been pointed out that these educational systems are not well coordinated with each other. We aim to clarify the coupling internship’s educational impact (CIS) implemented as part of global education at Osaka University and its effectiveness from career education. Specifically, 1) the educational effects of the program are analyzed using text mining (KH Coder) from the reports of students who participated in CIS, and 2) the results of 1) are compared with the "social and vocational independence and the skills necessary for a smooth transition to society work-life," (from now on referred to as "skills necessary for social and vocational independence") which are required and developed in career education. As a result, the following nine educational effects were noted: 1. “Improvement of communication skills,” 2. “Improvement of problem-solving skills,”3.“Understanding of different cultures and fields,” 4.“Understanding of others,” 5.“Self-understanding,” 6.“Understanding of industry work,” 7.“Understanding of work ethic,” 8.“Thinking about global career,” and 9.“Vision and motivation for the future.” The results were consistent with three of the “skills necessary for social and vocational independence. Therefore, we can say that CIS had a certain effect on the perspective of career education. The results of this study will help us to reconsider how to manage and collaborate with “global education” and “career education” in the future.

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