Online ISSN : 2189-4183
【研究ノート】 Successful Language Learners and Pedagogical Suggestions for Effective Learning
岩中 貴裕
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 1 巻 p. 106-117


There has been growing criticism of English language education in Japan from the business world and English teachers feel it necessary to update their ways of teaching. The purpose of this article is to provide basic information which English teachers are expected to know. For that purpose, it will first explain five characteristics which quite a few successful language learners have in common. The five characteristics will be discussed in detail respectively. Among the five characteristics, teachers can influence only two of them. These two areas are: to increase learners’ motivation with motivational strategies and to encourage them to learn English in an effective way. This article will then make three pedagogical suggestions which are likely to bring about effective learning. They are: Content-Language Instruction, the PCPP sequence and Sustained Silent Reading. In making recommendations, it will quote the results of practical studies done by the author. In conclusion, it will be argued that English teachers should reflect on their teaching based on instructed second language acquisition research findings, and not on their own subjective assumptions and beliefs.

© 2015 JAILA
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