Online ISSN : 2189-4183
【研究ノート】 高校での英語授業活動の経験について-地方国立大学の1年生を対象とした調査より-
森谷 浩士 荻野 勝 大年 順子 寺西 雅子
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 10 巻 p. 150-162


The importance of high school-university articulation has been recognized in recent years. To ensure a smooth transition for students from high school to university, it is essential for university English teachers to understand the English activities in which students have engaged in high school. Focusing on first-year students entering a regional national university (n = 1396) in spring 2023, who spent their three years of high school life amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper aims to describe their experiences with English class activities in high schools. Findings from both quantitative and qualitative studies have revealed that most students had predominantly traditional learning and writing activities, with limited exposure to speaking and interactive learning activities. The paper discusses possible explanations for these experiences in English classes and offers cautions for university English teachers to consider when designing their own class activities.

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