Online ISSN : 2189-4183
岩中 貴裕
ジャーナル フリー

2024 年 10 巻 p. 2-13


This study focuses on beliefs that learners hold about language learning, called language learning beliefs. They influence EFL learners' learning methods and ultimately affect the success or failure of second language learning. It aims to clarify undergraduate EFL learners' language learning beliefs, how they relate to their English proficiency, and whether they change after entering college. The survey recruited 63 undergraduates as the participants and was conducted from April to December 2022. A 52-item questionnaire was employed to assess their language learning beliefs, and the participants completed the questionnaire in April (Time 1) and December (Time 2). They took TOEIC® three times during the period. Their language learning beliefs were analyzed using the Time 1 TOEIC® score as an explanatory variable and the TOEIC® score increase as an explanatory variable. The following results were obtained: 1) The participants' language learning beliefs at Time 1 did not differ by their English proficiency, 2) The participants' language learning beliefs at Time 1 did not predict their growth in English proficiency, and 3) The participants' language learning beliefs did not change significantly after entering college. This study discusses that while learners at the B2 level or above are likely to have experiential learning beliefs, those at the B1 level or below are likely to have analytical learning beliefs and that university EFL learners' language learning beliefs would not change without teachers' explicit pedagogical intervention. It finally argues that university English teachers should identify learners' language learning beliefs that relate to successful learning and those that negatively influence language learning.

© 2024 日本国際教養学会
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