Online ISSN : 2434-5385
Print ISSN : 0917-0391
中野 美奈
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 37 巻 1 号 p. 63-71


This study examined the effects of a workplace training program which consists of a part of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(learning of cognitive distortion), assertion training, and Interpersonal Counseling. The program was implemented to 39 new employees as a preventive measure against mental stress and illness caused by interpersonal relationship problems in the workplace. The questionnaire results showed that the training improved motivation for work and for building good relationship with colleagues. It was indicated that the training also cultivated better understanding of their communication patterns and ruts of the way of thinking. The qualitative analysis showed that the training improved participants’ awareness of their way of thinking, enhancing their confidence about self-management and building good relationship with others. The awareness and confidence led to “willingness” to make efforts to build good relationships with others, leading to “determination” to become an excellent communicator. It was also suggested that they expected and were prepared to face difficulties and failures in their future work. This led to their “awareness” of the need to practice communication skills, which in turn led to their “determination” to communicate well with others.

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