Abstracts for Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
2014 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
Session ID : R6-10
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R6: Plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks and subduction factory
Geochemistry and genetic conditions of primary boninite magmas from the Ogasawara Archipelago and Guam Island-an insight from Cr spinel hosted melt inclusions
*Keitaro KitamuraSusumu UminoKyoko KanayamaOsamu Ishizuka
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How suboceanic mantle evolves into subarc mantle with the progress of a subduction zone is a fundamental question to understand the processes of subduction initiation and arc development. Primary arc magmas provide critical information to understand thermal and chemical structures of subarc mantle. We present geochemical characteristics of and genetic conditions of primary boninite magmas during the early stage of the Izu-Ogasawara-Mariana arc establishment (48-44 Ma), based on boninitic melt inclusions in chromian spinel from the Ogasawara Archipelago and Guam Island.

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© 2014 Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
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