Print ISSN : 0915-3616
丸 祐介澤井 秀次郎橋本 樹明坂井 真一郎坂東 信尚福家 英之藤田 和央小林 弘明小島 孝之田口 秀之上野 誠也宮路 幸ニ門岡 昇平
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2009 年 26 巻 1 号 p. 43-


The Balloon-based Operation Vehicle (BOV) originally developed for the micro-gravity experiments is modified as a supersonic flight demonstrator of a sub-scale precooled turbojet engine developed in Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. In the supersonic flight demonstration, the vehicle is raised by a high-altitude balloon up to a 40 km altitude and is dropped to accelerate to a supersonic velocity. To extend the flight time for an engine combustion test in the supersonic environments, the vehicle is redesigned in a wing- body configuration with a main delta wing and movable vertical and horizontal tail wings so that it can be pulled up above an altitude of 5 km. In this paper, the supersonic flight test plan is introduced, and an overview of the flight demonstrator and the tested supersonic air breathing engine is summarized.

© 2009 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会
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