Print ISSN : 0915-3616
新しい時代の宇宙生命科学 -「Space and Human Exploration」に向けた基礎生物科学研究の方向性について(私見)-
石岡 憲昭
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2011 年 28 巻 4 号 p. 124-


In this July, Space Shuttle Atlantis had safely returned to Kennedy Space Center. This was a last mission of all space shuttle programs lasted for 30 years. After the Space Shuttle retirement, space life science experiments will suffer from significant limitations, especially sample transport and recovery. Space life science experiments from 2011, must be more highly feasible operation and experiment plans. Meanwhile, the International Space Station (ISS) will be extended until 2020, it would be compulsory to have increasingly strong demand for a cost-effective research results. In addition, after the devastating earthquake disaster on this March 11 in east side of Japan, the budget of the space development and others except earthquake reconstruction will be very tight. Under such circumstances, space life science researchers themselves not only rely on JAXA should be necessary to consider the future research strategy including the need, the importance, for further development of space life sciences. Here is a personal opinion about the direction of future research as one of space life science researcher not only as a JAXA scientist.

© 2011 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会
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